“Mastering Forest Diplomacy: The Story of Griselda”

Forest Diplomacy

In a dense forest in Europe, there lived a child named Griselda, He always loved the forest more than his own life.  The animals in the forest respected him for protecting the forest.  Gresilda became kind to the whole forest including her parents. All the trees, plants, wild animals and reptiles in the forest came to know her as the ambassador of the forest. One evening, Griselda protected the animals and plants in the forest.  While patrolling, suddenly Griselda saw some people sitting under a thick tree in the forest holding some tools in their hands and talking.  He did not understand much of what these people were saying, but the one word they were repeating over and over again was Forest Diplomacy, Forest Diplomacy. Hearing this word, he thought how strange people were and were using strange language.  which is not easy to understand, then he remembered that he was not alone in this forest, he should immediately go and tell his people that some strange creatures have come in the forest who want to harm the forest of these people.  

Griselda immediately ran away, warning all her wild friends, including wild animals, birds and insects, of the danger that I had seen some strange creature under a thick tree near a pond in the forest.  And they were using some strange language, Griselda added that they were saying some strange words, forest diplomacy, forest diplomacy, maybe they were talking about harming our forest,  Griselda further told her friends that we should tell our elders about this immediately, before it is too late.  

Seeing the friends very upset, I asked Griselda why you guys are so upset. Before Griselda could say anything, all her friends told the whole story, which Griselda had seen with her own eyes, Griselda’s mother smiling.  She said that there is nothing to worry about, Griselda, the people you saw, whose eyes, nose, mouth, ears and face were different from all of us living in the forest, they are called humans and those humans will be researched in some time. 

 They go to the forest with their team and then go to the city away from the forest to do this research and benefit the people of the city.  With the intention of taking advantage, we go here to the forest for the welfare of humans, these humans are not our enemies but our friends and also work to protect our forest.  Animals, birds, and reptiles began to breathe again.

After hearing all the words of Griselda’s mother, all the animals, birds, and reptiles there breathed a sigh of relief.  What does it mean that those people were saying this word, Griselda’s mother then explained that those people are part of the European Union team and the European Union has made a rule that in a few years they have to do their research for the care of the forest.

send a team and they have named this team European Union Forest Diplomacy, hearing all these things, Griselda started to be interested in knowing more about this European Union Forest Diplomacy team.

Griselda now thought that she would meet these humans tomorrow. The next morning, Griselda started looking for the European Union team that had come to the forest with the intention of working on Team Forest Diplomacy.  Having managed to meet the team, Griselda tells them how happy she is to meet you guys, because you guys care about the good of the forest, said one member of the EU team, whose   name was Peter, he said, “Children, we are also very happy to meet you. You have guided us a lot. 

The information you gave us about the animals, trees, plants, birds, and animals in the forest is yours for us.”  Nothing short of a kindness from, thank you so much guys, delighted the compliments from the members of the European U team.

A member of the European Union team said that again they will come back to meet again very soon.


Who was Griselda what did he do?  

He was a child and worked to protect the forest as a diplomat because of his sympathy for the forest.

Why did the forest animals respect griselda so much? 

 Oh, because he was a very brave and loving person.  

What did Griselda mother say to Griselda that her worry turned into her happiness?

 Oh, his mother said that they are members of the European Union team and work to protect the forest just like you.  

What did the EU team members say to Griselda while returning from the forest? 

 The EU team had assured Griselda that they would return very soon and plant more trees and plants in the forest.

By Dean Carter

Meet Dean Carter, a seasoned professional writer with a passion for delving into the realms of technology, apps, and Android applications. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for transforming complex concepts into reader-friendly content, Dean brings a wealth of expertise to the world of technology writing.

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